Latest Newsletter Now Available!

The January 2025 Newsletter can now by accessed by logging in to the Members section of the website.

(January 2025)

This 81st edition contains important news concerning our upcoming meetings – the 5th Early Career Researcher Forum to be held in March, and the summer event on the theme of Gas Sensing In Defence & Security. In addition, there is a full report of the December Meeting ‘Gas Sensing And Analysis For Human Health’ and details of the 2024 AGM held at the same event.

One of our newest members, i-Climate, introduce their business and we also mark the 5oth anniversaries of the Health and Safety At Work Act (HASAWA) and the Council of Gas Detection and Environmental Monitoring (CoGDEM).

GASG At The Air Quality Exhibition

GASG Communications Director Martin Willett gave a presentation entitled ’Shared Experiences In Gas Detection – New Solutions For Old Problems’ as part of the Air Quality & Gas Detection Conference at the NEC Birmingham on 9th October 2024.

(October 2024)

The talk highlighted how gas detection methods with histories stretching back well over a century continue to evolve and improve. Innovations drawn from other fields such as communications and cloud processing are delivering important user benefits, while further progress in connectivity and miniaturisation are anticipated. Many of the examples were taken from items covered in recent GASG meetings, emphasising the contemporary relevance of the topics addressed in our programmes. The presentation can be viewed by using the link below.

Future Meeting Programme Takes Shape

GASG meetings for 2025 are already being planned. It is hoped to hold a 5th event in our popular series of meetings for Early Career Researchers and a call for papers will be issued shortly. We welcome submissions from all those in the early stages of a career in industrial, academic or other organisations active in fields of interest to GASG.

We are also considering meetings focussing on Defence and Security, Carbon Dioxide and Dissolved Gases. If you have any comments on this list, or additional suggestions to offer, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please get in touch using this link!

(July 2024)

GASG At The Home Of The Codebreakers

Our summer meeting on the theme of 'Gas Sensor Materials : Cracking the Code‘ was held at Bletchley Park, home of the WW2 codebreaking teams. A full programme of presentations from international speakers at the forefront of such developments was supplemented by fascinating guided tours explaining the history and roles of the site.

The meeting presentations and a report of the proceedings are available by logging in to the Members section of the website.

(June 2024)

Meeting 87 Attracts Large Audience

The 87th GASG Meeting was held at Cranfield University on 21st March 2024 and attracted one of the largest audiences in the 30-year history of the group. 8 renowned speakers provided detailed insights into cutting edge research addressing the significant challenges in the detection and measurement of hydrogen, as well as explaining key issues in the understanding the role of hydrogen as an indirect greenhouse gas.

(April 2024)

Prof Dame Helen Atkinson DBE FREng explained the world-class facilities at Cranfield enabling research into a wide range of aspects of critical importance to the development of the Hydrogen economy. Delegates were then able to see some of these during tours kindly provided by members of the research teams.

The day was an undoubted success and demonstrated once again the unique ability of GASG to bring people together from all parts of the industry to learn about developments in a productive forum which facilitates engagement and discussion. The meeting presentations and a report of the proceedings are available by logging in to the Members section of the website.

GASG Chair Presentation To Knowledge Transfer Network

GASG Chair Jane Hodgkinson presented an invited talk entitled “Sensors For Net Zero: Reflections From The Gas Analysis & Sensing Group” at the 53rd Intelligent Sensing Programme (ISP53) – Emerging Sensing Technologies for Net Zero. This networking workshop was held in Birmingham on 16th January 2024 and brought together industries, innovators, end-users and other stakeholders driving efforts to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions. The aim was to stimulate new ideas generation, develop new collaborations/partnerships and accelerate business innovations.

Jane commented, “Giving this talk has been a great opportunity for me to go back through the rich GASG archive and reflect on the “big picture” of improving our environmental impact. If there was an issue to cover, somebody (often several people) at the forefront of the field had given us a talk about it. I am grateful to our speakers over the years and all the hard work that lay behind the talks they presented. The exercise has left me feeling really positive about the future of the GASG.”

For more details, contact GASG Chair, Jane Hodgkinson ([email protected]).

(March 2024)

Jane focussed on the significant and highly relevant activities in gas, VOC and particulate sensing which GASG promotes through our meetings and publications. It was emphasised that mainstream gas sensing has long supported the petrochemical sector, having grown with the rise of fossil fuel extraction and use. The sensing industry is now an important driver, monitor and enabler of the path to net zero. The need to dramatically reduce  emissions is widely accepted, but some leakage is inevitable and the various risks associated with a wide range of gases must still be mitigated. This is driving significant increases in sensor deployment (and lowering of costs), improvements in limits of detection and growth in emissions measurement applications across all sectors, not just oil & gas. Even in a fully electrified world, there will still be many applications for gas and particle sensors!

The talk was illustrated with examples drawn from GASG Meetings, and highlighted the importance of the information sharing we facilitate across our broad community.



This is the new GASG website! We hope that members and those considering joining our community will find the site useful and informative. If you have any suggestions or comments on the content or operation of the site, we would be pleased to hear from you!

(March 2024)