Meeting 84 – Early Career Researchers In Gas, Volatiles, Particulate Analysis & Sensing

Thursday 23rd March 2023 – Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire & Online

The 4th Early Careers Forum featured ten presentations from early career researchers covering diverse topics including VOCs in Astrobiology;  biogenic compounds released by plants due to climate change in the Andes, and the impact of emissions from cooking and cleaning on IAQ. The prize for the best presentation was awarded to Dr Valerio Ferracci (Cranfield University) for his paper on the mapping global VOC emissions using an autonomous gas chromatograph.


In addition,  plenary speaker Dr Jim Reynolds (Loughborough University) gave an entertaining and wide-ranging overview on ‘Sniffing Out Answers: Forensic VOC Analysis’. This was a vibrant and interesting meeting in the best traditions of GASG support for Early Career Researchers and it is hoped to hold similar events in the future. Members can access full details of the meeting using the link below. A more detailed report has been published in Newsletter 76 which is also available in the Members area.