Thursday 5th December 2024 – Online Only
Due to difficulties in arranging a suitable venue, the 89th meeting was an online only event, drawing on the considerable experience of GASG in hosting remote meetings.
The programme featured a wide array of internationally renowned experts including Prof. Nicola Carslaw (University of York), Daniel Francis (Cranfield University) and Prof. Grant Ritchie (University of Oxford) in the morning session, who covered a range of topics with health implications from indoor air pollution to computed cardiopulmonography. Following the GASG AGM and lunchtime breakout discussions where delegates were able to discuss the issues raised with the speakers, the afternoon featured 3 more talks. Steven Campbell (Imperial College London), Matthew Turner (Loughborough University) and Ryan Guterman (FaradaIC Sensors, Berlin) discussed time resolved PM2.5 oxidative potential, standardisation of breathomics and miniaturised electrochemical gas sensor systems respectively.
The event once again demonstrated the range and quality of speakers who participate in GASG events and the benefits for attendees, even when we are unable to meet face to face (which remains the preferred model). Members will shortly be able to read a full report of the day in the upcoming newsletter and can access the speaker presentations and recordings here.